Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ago oburoni

One thing I'd read briefly about in another blog, but didn't realize how prevalent it would be was how people here call a white person "oburoni", sort of "whitey."

In the more congested areas it's common to hear someone trying to catch your attention, including to get you to move out of the way "Ago oburoni! Ago" -- move it! It's common to hear this at least once an hour, more if we're in congested areas.

Children often are usually the most persistent. Today I was taking a stroll around the neighborhood taking some photos, and a child ran (I'm talking full-speed) from her house to come over to me.
I said 'Hi, can I take your picture?" She then stood there shyly, until I waved goodbye, and she waved back. Then I moved on, and about 50 meters away heard her yell, "oburoni!" I turned around and she had come to the back of her house to wave me on. While the children don't usually initiate conversation first, but if you smile or wave, they are quick to wave back.

These three followed me on my walk for a ways, asking about what I was taking pictures about. I said hello, and kept walking along. Then after about ten minutes one of them asked me to take a picture of them in front of their house.

Coming off the plane you could hear the call "ey, oburoni, I love you." Thanks much love to you too.

In most places we've been Chandra and I are the only oburonis around, although a few nights out at some popular bars downtown I would have sworn we were in New York.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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